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4 Reasons to Choose an Instantaneous Hot Water System

Tonya Davis • 8 October 2019

If you're replacing your current hot water system, then you want a new system that irons out any problems you had with your old one. If your current system uses a storage tank, and it hasn't always delivered the hot water you need, then it's worth considering an instantaneous alternative.

Why is this a good option? Read four reasons why below.

1. Never Run Out of Hot Water

Hot water systems that use a storage tank have limits on the amount of hot water they produce at any given time. They only heat water in the tank when they are on; once this water runs out, they need recovery time to heat more up again.

If you rely on a hot water tank at the moment, then you probably know that this can be a problem. For example, if someone uses up all the hot water in the tank just before you want to take a shower or bath, then you have to shiver through a cold wash or wait until the heater does its job again.

An instantaneous system works differently. It doesn't have a storage tank but heats water at the source. So, as soon as you turn on a tap or shower, the water runs hot and stays hot no matter how much you use.

2. Reduce Your Energy Bills

When you have a tank-based hot water system, you might heat water unnecessarily. Sometimes, for example, you worry about not having enough hot water so you keep your heater on too much. This wastes energy and increases your costs. If you heat water but don't use it, then you're paying for nothing.

You also typically use more water with a tanked system. You often have to run taps until the hot water reaches them. This wastes cold water. You use more water than you need if you have to juggle hot and cold taps to get the water at the right temperature.

An instantaneous system uses less energy and less water. You only use energy when you want to produce hot water. Temperature control is easier if hot water starts coming out of the tap immediately. This could reduce your energy and water consumption costs.

3. Use up Less Space

Tanked hot water systems need a certain amount of space. You have to fit in the control unit and its tank. If you live in a small home, then this kind of system takes up valuable space that you could use for something else.

Instantaneous systems have a smaller footprint. Their units are compact and there is no tank. Typically, all they need is some wall space. You can even stow a heater in a cupboard if you wish.

4. Fewer Maintenance Problems

While hot water systems are generally reliable, a system with a tank doubles the chances that you might have problems. You deal with both a control unit and a tank here, both of which might need their own maintenance or repair work, especially as they age.

Tanks can be a particular issue. They sometimes leak, suffer from internal damage or clog up with sediment. If any of these things happen, you'll have to pay to have the tank fixed.

When you install an instantaneous system, you only have one unit to maintain. You won't have any typical tank problems to fix. As well as reducing maintenance costs, this may make your system last for longer.

To learn more about the benefits of switching to an instantaneous hot water system, contact S.P.K Plumbing & Civil. We have years of experience of helping our customers choose and install the right system that delivers all the hot water they need when they need it.

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